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These 2 words are used many times in a day .

Different - We are all different in many ways, we may choose to express this using various words, like special ,unique, contrast, unidentical and so on. We are all exclusive beings in the world. So if we agree to the fact that we are gifted differently we become uncomparable in the world. Lets embrac and celebrate this reality.

Difference- How to make the difference then ? Being different from each other, gives us a chance to share something which other person may not have. Synonym for "different" can be "sharing". By contributing our uniqueness to make a positive difference is better than staying disconnected from our strengths by comparing.

We are created differently to make a positive difference in this world. If we were all gifted with same things there would not be a difference to make.

Stay well and continue making a difference through your beautiful uniqueness in this Universe.


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Its been a while since my last blog. I hope you have had a great holiday season.

With global warming & climate changes being discussed in every field, the word "Sustainability"has taken the centre stage. So when we talk about sustainability, is it only related to product ? What about the social sustainability ? Are we paying attention to that ? or is it only a term used to describe the product life time?

The willingness to work & grow individually and together, towards a common goal , while keeping mutual well being in mind is a step closer to social sustainability. This depends on the choice of business partners, transparency, fairness and trust you bring to the table together with people thinking on similar lines.Brands and companies need to take a active roll to make sustainability more than a commercial term. Being conscious about how we operate as individuals first ,can make a larger impact on many aspects of sustainability.

Stay well & have a fantastic year ahead.

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Uppdaterat: 5 dec. 2018

Often this word " Co working" is thrown around a lot in the modern corridors of freelancing and startups.Technically ,its explained to be a creative, shared work place for freelancers, enterpreneurs and micro offices of corporates to network with like minded people.

In reality the meaning of co working may be something more than the explanation that is being used to define the co working space . It needs to be something beyond simplicity of rentals or only economical alternative, if a healthy community growth and well being of everyone involved has to be actively considered.

Constantly finding ways to correlate ,connect and co exist- helps in building up healthy ,mutually shared success . This I think is a step forward ,beyond simply sharing the rental work space.

The simple example can be taken from each of us as individuals, imagine if all the organs in our own body did not connect & correlate,our own existence as healthy beings would be difficult one.

The 3C's are very important - Connect, Correlate,Coexist. This way we grow individually and together as a community ,a society ,a country and a world. Yes it all begins from with in and then spreads all around.

Stay well .


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